Sunday, November 30, 2008

Movin Up

This is all new to me and I just have to plug-in and try to add stuff to my on-going post. I am bound to make errors but I guess I will have to learn from them. My goal is to make my power mall a good place to send people who are interested in this business to take a look at it. Here is the link:

Now, is how do I continue. One of the fears I have is what will others think of me during my writing. I guess I won't know unless I write it. I am looking forward in making MPM prosper and I know it will prosper as long as I put forth the effort and work MPM to the best of my ability. I already approached one person and she seems interested. I believe all the positive motivation of others had an effect in doing that. I can see trials and tribulations and always not knowing what the outcome is. I do know this. Anyone, who has the desire and motivation can pursue a lucriative income but they must be willing to work for it. Nothing in this world is given to you on a silver platter. I plan to join the World Changer so I can also help unfortunate people in third World Countries to have a better life. Thats it for today. See you later.

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